

专业 & 度





  • 化学,牙科预科


    The Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry with a Pre-Dental option prepares you for admission to dental schools in Georgia and across the country, where you can earn a Doctorate in Dental Medicine (DMD) to become a dentist. 牙科学校也提供其他学位, 比如口腔生物学博士学位, 专注于商业的DMD, and a doctorate in 医学 (MD) with additional training in oral surgery. 拥有牙科化学预科学位, 你会解决问题, 减轻病人痛苦, 促进口腔健康, 并为社会的更大利益做出贡献.

  • 化学,医学预科


    The Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry with a Pre-Medical option prepares you for admission to medical schools in Georgia and across the country, where you can earn a Doctorate in Medicine (MD) or Osteopathic Medicine (DO) to become a physician. In medical school, you can study pediatrics, psychiatry, emergency 医学, 或者其他专业. 有化学医学预科学位, 你会解决问题, 减轻病人痛苦, 促进健康, 并为社会的更大利益做出贡献.

  • 化学,预验光选项


    The Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry with a Pre-Optometry option prepares you for admission to 验光 schools across the country, where you can earn a Doctorate in Optometry (OD) to become an optometrist. 在验光学校, 你可以研究运动视觉, 视觉疗法, neuro-验光, 或者其他专业. 拥有化学验光预科学位, 你会解决问题, 改善病人视力, 促进他们的健康和福祉, 并为社会的更大利益做出贡献.

  • 化学,药学预科


    The Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry with a Pre-Pharmacy option prepares you for admission to pharmacy schools in Georgia and across the country, where you can earn a Doctorate in Pharmacy (PharmD) to become a pharmacist. Pre-Pharmacy is one of our most popular degree options because pharmacists are in high demand and enjoy a rewarding career. 拥有药学预科学位, 你会解决问题, 帮助病人, 促进健康, 并为社会的更大利益做出贡献.

  • 口腔卫生


    Dental hygienists are licensed professionals who work in dental offices. 牙科保健师专注于口腔护理的几个方面, 包括清洁牙齿, conducting screening procedures for a variety of dental conditions, 拍摄和冲洗牙科x光片, 给病人的牙齿印模, 教育病人如何保持口腔健康等等. The dental hygiene program at 瓦尔多斯塔州立Colleges trains students to be professional dental hygienists and leads to an Associate of Applied Science degree.

  • 运动生理学


    运动生理学 is the study of acute and chronic adaptations associated with physical activity. Exercise physiologists have a strong background in the scientific basis underlying exercise-induced physiological responses. Applied exercise physiologists manage programs geared toward healthy individuals and those with controlled diseases, while clinical exercise physiologists work with 医生 in clinical settings to apply physical activity and modify behaviors based on proven benefits.

    运动生理学理学学士学位(B.S.E.P) degree at 瓦尔多斯塔州立Colleges prepares students for three broad career paths (1) an exercise physiologist (2) as a 强度 and conditioning professional and (3) as a pre-request for advanced schooling including those in the health care industry.

    Exercise physiologists develop fitness and exercise programs that 帮助病人 prevent or recover from chronic diseases (e.g., 高血压, 糖尿病, 肥胖, 心脏病, 癌症)和改善心血管功能, 身体成分, 强度, 和灵活性.  一些生理学家与初级保健密切合作 医生, who may prescribe exercise regimens for their patients and refer them to exercise physiologists. 



    Exercise physiologists are also employed as 强度 and conditioning coaches to help athletes improve their performance or skill in a sport and to prevent and rehabilitate injuries.  有机会在高中工作, collegiate and professional athletes and are employed in high schools, Colleges, 健身中心, 物理治疗诊所和专业运动队.



    Many graduates of 运动生理学 apply to advanced schooling including those in 物理治疗, 职业治疗, 医师助理, 医学, and chiropractic or continue at the MS or PhD level in 运动生理学 or a related area.  bet365亚洲官网 B.S.E.P degree allows for 23 hours (6 to 8 课程) of electives in math, science and psychology to help students obtain the pre-request 课程 for application to graduate school. A degree in 运动生理学 provides transferable knowledge, skills and abilities into many health care professions and advanced degree programs.  Of all applicants accepted into 物理治疗 school a degree in 运动生理学 is the highest of any other major (Physical Therapy Centralized Application Service).


    To learn more about this field and career of 运动生理学 view the 劳工统计局.

    查看B.S. 运动生理学 检查表.  

    查看B.S. 运动生理学 学术地图.

    查看B.S. 运动生理学Jr/Sr 课程.



  • 健康科学


    The Bachelor of Science in 健康科学 degree program prepares students for the healthcare industry, currently one of the strongest employment sectors nationally. The program helps students to identify talents and interests in the field that can be developed within the program, 导致在医疗援助等领域的职业生涯, 医疗信息, 市场营销及公共关系, 公共卫生, 健康教育, 环境健康. The degree program can also lead to graduate level study in healthcare fields such as anesthesiologist assistant, 体育训练, 牙科, 运动生理学, 医学, 护理(第二学位), 职业治疗, 验光, 物理治疗, 医生助理. Specific pre-requisites are required depending on the specific healthcare field chosen.


  • 护理


    护士在医疗系统中起着至关重要的作用, 治疗和照顾病人, 预防疾病, 协助医生, 促进健康和幸福. 护士在包括医院在内的各种环境中工作, 医生的办公室, 诊所, schools and other environments in which medical care is rendered. Students in the 瓦尔多斯塔州立Colleges nursing program develop critical thinking skills, 学会欣赏不同的文化观点, and learn how to address policy disputes and social problems related to health care. 毕业后, Valdosta State nursing students assume leadership in the fields of nursing and health care, making a positive impact on their communities and touching people’s lives every day. 


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