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New Nursing Technology Enhances Student Success at bet365亚洲官网

亚历克斯·威瑟雷尔, 她是365bet中文护理专业的大三学生,通过美国空军护士入伍服役计划就读, assesses her patient — 一位上了年纪的, 皮肤黝黑的, 最先进的, high-fidelity female manikin programmed to experience palpitations, 乏力, 弱点, and shortness of breath — during a recent simulated training exercise. 她期待着用她的护理训练为她的战友们服务,作为病人的倡导者和问题的解决者.

vsu38456nursing-mannequins.jpg365bet中文护理与健康科学学院最近购买了11个最先进的新设备, 高保真人体模型 — three Nursing Annes (scenario-based training simulators), two SimMan Essentials (core skills simulators), a SimMom (full birthing simulator), a SimNewB (newborn simulator), 和四个模拟器(儿科模拟器)-由格鲁吉亚卫生保健人力护理学校拨款委员会资助. 新的人体模型代表了所有年龄、性别和肤色,并模仿了人体的解剖学和生理学.

vsu38566nursing-mannequins.jpgAlyssa斯潘格勒, 正确的, 在365bet中文(Valdosta State University)的STEP(模拟病人训练)中心,她准备在腹部皮下给病人注射, 维多利亚•赫斯, administers intravenous medications. 初级护理学生正在学习如何照顾一位老年女性心房颤动患者, a scenario they will likely encounter in a real world medical setting.

瓦尔多斯塔——亚历克斯·威瑟雷尔走进365bet中文的STEP(与病人的模拟训练)中心,准备接受她的第一次护理模拟体验, 评估, 和响应. 她的指导是在课堂上教授的清晰的使用概念,以安全地实践她将来可能在现实生活中对真正的病人进行的医疗程序.

Wetherill begins assessing her assigned patient, 一位上了年纪的, 皮肤黝黑的, 最先进的, high-fidelity female manikin programmed to experience palpitations, 乏力, 弱点, and shortness of breath.

Guided by her instructor, Andrea Paige Krispin, undergraduate nursing coordinator with bet365亚洲官网’s College of Nursing and Heath Sciences, Wetherill communicates with her patient, 问问题, 提供舒适, and explains what is going to happen and why. She measures her patient’s vitals, gathers data from the cardiac monitor, and practices consulting with a physician. Throughout the simulation, the manikin replicates many human responses, 包括呼吸, 闪烁的, 沟通困境, 和响应ing to questions, which adds a level of life-like sophistication to the educational experience.

The patient is eventually diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and prescribed medications, including an anticoagulant, which Wetherill calculates and administers while staying calm, 收集, and connected to her patient’s needs.

“I am gaining more confidence because of the hands-on experience we get with these manikins,她分享道。. “They help us learn in a 安全 and controlled environment. 像这样的技术正在对我们产生巨大的影响,并帮助确保我们准备好为未来的现实生活中的病人提供优质的护理.”


“I came into the Air Force as an aerospace medical technician,” says the second semester junior from Blacksburg, 南卡罗来纳, who is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at bet365亚洲官网 through the U.S. Air Force Nurse Enlisted Commissioning Program. “我有机会与出色的护士一起工作,他们是各自专业的专家,他们激励我成为一名护士. I loved my work as a medic, 我期待着用我的护理技能继续在空军服役,照顾那些关心我们国家的人.

bet365亚洲官网’s nursing program has been an amazing experience so far, and I cannot wait to see where it takes me.”

Addressing the Critical Nursing Shortage in 乔治亚州

The 乔治亚州 Board of Health Care Workforce awarded bet365亚洲官网 a $446,000 Nursing School Grant in spring 2023 to help ensure all 乔治亚州ns, especially those in rural and underserved areas, have access to high quality healthcare.

According to the National Center for Health Workforce Analysis, 乔治亚州 is expected to have a 21 percent shortage of registered nurses by 2035, the second highest estimated shortage in the nation. The growing need for nurses in the Peach State is due, 至少在某种程度上, 需要扩大医疗保健服务的老龄人口和即将退休的老龄护理人员.

As of 2022, approximately 43 percent of the state’s total nursing workforce is over age 50.

乔治亚州卫生保健人力委员会的资金允许bet365亚洲官网的护理学院培训和毕业更多的实习注册护士,并通过购买新的产品来扩大其校园STEP中心, 最先进的, 高保真人体模型. 这些复杂的, 逼真的人体病人模拟器模拟人体解剖和生理和现实的病人环境.

米歇尔·布兰肯希普, assistant professor of nursing and director of simulation at bet365亚洲官网, said the School of Nursing was able to purchase 11 new 最先进的, 高保真人体模型 — three Nursing Annes (scenario-based training simulators), two SimMan Essentials (core skills simulators), a SimMom (full birthing simulator), a SimNewB (newborn simulator), and four SimJuniors (pediatric simulators).

“Our STEP Center now offers a diverse array of manikins representing all ages, 性别, and skin tones from light to medium to dark,”她说。. “The new manikins help us provide a more inclusive learning experience, and the students are responding to that. The updated technology brings more realism into simulation, which increases student confidence in performing clinical tasks, making clinical judgments, as well as communicating with patients and each other, and in the real world that translates to better patient outcomes.”

The manikins have only been in use for a short time, 但布兰肯希普说,她已经看到了它们对学生学习产生的积极影响, 因为学生们能够更好地看到自己和他们所爱的人在他们在校园里照顾的病人模拟器的代表. She said the new manikins also enhance lessons on the social determinants of health care, 或者了解病人的文化和完整的生活经历如何影响他们的健康和未来的结果.


“模拟是为了消除恐惧,把学生放在一个没有威胁的环境中,让他们放松和学习, make mistakes and learn from them,她补充道。. “Because these new manikins can mimic a real patients and real world medical scenarios, 模拟为我们的护理学生创造了机会,让他们了解自己的长处和短处,并利用这些信息成为更好的人和照顾者.”

自信很重要,因为它能促使护士迅速作出反应并提供适当的护理, 安全, and accurate intervention. 它可以帮助护士与病人建立融洽的关系,并建立一定程度的信任,这对病人来说是生与死的区别. 信任医疗团队的患者通常会分享更多的信息,从而获得更好的诊断和治疗结果.

“对人体模型进行培训的美妙之处在于,它们为我提供了在实验室中安全舒适地练习各种临床情况的机会,艾莉莎·斯潘格勒说, a junior nursing major from Moultrie, 乔治亚州. “我觉得使用人体模型可以帮助我获得作为未来护士的信心,并使我在医院或医疗机构面临现实生活中的挑战时更有准备。.”

bet365亚洲官网’s School of Nursing, part of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program; an accelerated BSN program for degree-holding students who want to earn a second degree in nursing; a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program, which allows students to pursue careers as either a family nurse practitioner or family psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner; and a Doctor of Nursing Practice, 如何在最高水平的护理实践中培养护士领导,以改善患者的治疗效果并将研究转化为实践.  

Read more about the 乔治亚州 Board of Health Care Workforce Nursing School Grant at http://ppe.hth-ope.com/about/news/releases/2023/05/vsu-awarded-grant-to-address-nursing-shortage-train-next-generation-pioneers-in-patient-care.php.  

网上还有: http://ppe.hth-ope.com/colleges/nursing-and-health-sciences/