休·C. 贝利家庭奖学金 - This endowed scholarship was created by Dr. 休·C. 贝利, President of 365bet中文 from 1978 to 2001, 通过参加大学荣誉学院,支持每个学科的学术卓越和成就. It was first awarded in 2006. Jennett Scholars are not eligible for the 贝利 Award. 

William Bartram Award for Intellectual Exploration -巴特拉姆奖是以著名探险家和博物学家威廉·巴特拉姆的名字命名的,表彰他的杰出成就. 该奖项每年春季颁发给表现出智力探索能力的大学荣誉学院学生, 冒险, 和成就.

詹尼特学者计划 - The 詹尼特学者计划 is one of the premier competitive, merit-based scholarship programs offered in the state of Georgia. 获奖者获得365bet中文提供的最高水平奖学金支持,吸引高素质人才, 积极性高的学生.

荣誉学者计划 – The 荣誉学院 provides financial awards to qualified students. Honors scholars are selected upon bet365亚洲官网申请 荣誉学院 和 are invited to become a scholar. 荣誉学者需要在荣誉学院保持良好的声誉,并参加部门或荣誉服务要求. Reade scholars receive additional support to live in 里德大厅荣誉公馆. 

杜鲁门奖学金 Pre-Proposal - The 杜鲁门奖学金 is a highly competitive national award. 每年收到600多份提名,弗吉尼亚州立大学将提交一份来自该机构的提名提案. 如果您希望获得这一享有盛誉的奖项,请通过以下表格提交您的信息. PRELIMINARY PROPOSALS MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE FIRST FRIDAY IN DECEMBER. Further information on the 杜鲁门奖学金 is provided on the 杜鲁门基金会的 网站.

National Scholarship Programsselect the links for additional information 和 program deadlines. The Dean of Honors serves as the bet365亚洲官网 Campus Representative. For further information, please contact the Dean at

National prestigious scholarships open opportunities for the world’s best graduate study, 网络建设, 和 international experience. Each year thous和s of America’s best university students craft personal statements, seek excellent reference letters, 和 draft research proposals as they apply for a major scholarship award. 每个这样做的学生都学会了如何深入思考自己的能力以及如何运用这些能力, 和 finds their horizons broadened by the experience of applying. 奖学金 are available to students from all majors, although some have special requirements 和 emphases (see individual descriptions below). 365bet中文’s best students should explore national scholarship opportunities, such as those listed below, 知道应用的过程本身是一个宝贵的经验,建立自我认识和智慧. Faculty advisors 和 mentors are available to discuss particular scholarships with students, 和 to offer help with personal statements 和 research proposals. For more information, please contact 荣誉学院 at

马歇尔奖学金 -
马歇尔奖学金资助有能力的美国年轻人到英国攻读学位. 每年至少有40名学者被选中在英国的任何研究领域进行研究生或本科阶段的学习. Each scholarship is held for two years. The minimum GPA requirement is 3.7. 符合资格的候选人必须在2007年4月之后从本科院校毕业. The scholarship covers university 费用, 生活费用, 年度图书补助金, 论文格兰特, research 和 daily travel grants, fares to 和 from the United States 和, 在适用情况下, a contribution towards the support of a dependent spouse.

罗兹奖学金 -
从各个学科中选出罗德奖学金获得者,在牛津大学学习两年, with the possibility of renewal for a third year. 没有最低绩点, 但考生必须在班级排名前10%,并表现出模范的学习成绩. The scholarship provides for all educational costs, 比如入学考试, 往返于牛津, 学费, laboratory 和 certain other 费用. 此外,每位学者还将获得一笔生活费,足以支付学期和假期的必要费用.

杜鲁门奖学金 - http://www.truman.Administration
The 杜鲁门奖学金 provides up to $30,000 in funding to students pursuing graduate degrees in public service fields. 每年有60-65名申请者,申请者必须有很强的校园和社区服务背景. There is no GPA requirement, but most c和idates hold a 3.8 GPA或更高.

乔治J. 米切尔奖学金 -
The US-Irel和 Alliance sponsors a competitive, 为年龄在18岁至30岁之间的美国公民在爱尔兰岛高等院校攻读研究生提供的国家奖学金. Named to honor the former U.S. Senator's pivotal contribution to the Northern Irel和 peace process, the 乔治J. 米切尔奖学金旨在使下一代美国领导人熟悉并与爱尔兰建立联系. 没有最低GPA要求, 但是学生们被期望在他们选择的领域表现出学术上的卓越和研究生学习的准备. 这些奖学金支持在爱尔兰或北爱尔兰高等教育机构提供的任何学科进行一年的研究生学习. Scholars must be enrolled in a degree or certificate program offered at the institution. The 米切尔奖学金 provides 学费, 住房, a living expenses stipend, 还有国际旅行.

富布赖特 -
富布赖特项目旨在增进美国和其他国家人民之间的相互了解, through the exchange of persons, 知识, 和技能. The 富布赖特 Program offers a variety of grant opportunities, including comprehensive 富布赖特 grants 和 富布赖特 travel grants. Additional grants are available on a country-by-country basis, including opportunities in teaching 和 business. 大部分补助金将用于需要一学年的学习或研究项目.  

詹姆斯·麦迪逊奖学金 - http://www.jamesmadison.Administration
这些奖学金旨在鼓励历史系学生成为美国历史和社会研究的高中教师. 这些奖学金为获得美国历史专业的硕士学位提供支持.S. 宪法. 奖学金基金会每年在每个州至少颁发一个奖学金给打算攻读全日制硕士学位的优秀大学高年级学生和应届毕业生. Fellows are eligible for up to $24,在任何强调“起源”的认可的研究生课程中,支持不超过两年的学习, 原则, 和 development of the 宪法 of the United States.作为回报, 麦迪逊奖学金获得者必须同意在奖学金任期结束后至少在中学全职任教两年.

大卫L. Boren 本科 奖学金 (NSEP) -
NSEP scholarships are intended to provide support to U.S. 这些本科生将攻读目前在海外留学中代表性不足的语言和文化研究,对美国的发展至关重要.S. 国家安全. 奖学金有效期至少为一个学期,包括六(6)周或更长时间的夏季学期. Preference is given to applicants pursuing study abroad for a full academic year. 所有NSEP奖的获得者必须在涉及国家安全事务的联邦机构或办公室工作.

Jack Kent Cooke 奖学金 -
杰克·肯特·库克基金会的使命是帮助有特殊前途的年轻人通过教育充分发挥他们的潜力. 该基金会特别注重为有经济需要的杰出个人提供奖学金. These scholarships take various forms, including awards of up to $30,对于即将在四年制大学攻读学士学位的社区大学学生和应届毕业生,最高可获得50美元,000 for undergraduates or recent graduates pursuing a master’s or professional degree. Applicants must have a minimum 3.5 GPA 和 be nominated by her/his institution. 

Benjamin Gilman 奖学金 -
Gilman 奖学金 of up to $5,000 are made for U.S. citizen undergraduates to study abroad for a semester or year. 奖学金数额将根据学习时间长短和学生的需要而有所不同,平均奖学金为4美元,000. 在两年制或四年制本科学院或大学接受联邦佩尔助学金资助的学生有资格申请.

戈德华特奖学金 -
Barry M. 戈德华特奖学金颁发给有杰出潜力并打算从事数学事业的二年级和三年级学生, 自然科学, 或工程. A student must be nominated by his or her college or university. Each scholarship covers eligible expenses for 学费, 费用, books 和 room 和 board up to a maximum of $7500 annually.