Request for Housing/餐厅 Accommodation

学生 必须 在访问办公室登记,以获得住宿和辅助技术. The Access Office 不能 reach out to students who may need such accommodations. It is the responsibility of the student to register.


如果你是365bet中文或南乔治亚州立大学入学计划的学生,有残疾证明,需要住房/餐饮设施以确保访问, you must contact the Access Office for 学生 with Disabilities as soon as possible (2 months prior to occupancy is recommended, although requests will be considered in the event that space is still available). 学生 must complete the Request for Housing/餐厅 Accommodation form and provide supporting documentation. (注意: If you are requesting an ESA accommodation, please use the ESA Housing Accommodation Request form 而不是.)根据下列充分的文件,逐案确定请求:

1. 表明残疾的存在和残疾对住房环境的影响;

2. the existence of a barrier to access that exists within housing, and

3. a request for reasonable accommodation that would remove the barrier identified.

而特定的住房设计或膳食计划可能会使学生更容易管理残疾症状, 无障碍办公室只负责为残疾学生消除无障碍障碍. 因此, 访问办公室无法批准未明确解决不可访问性的请求. 例如, documentation that states that, “学生将受益于……”或“如果……会更容易”可能不符合住宿标准.

假设残疾症状会对室友产生负面影响或反之亦然,要求提供私人房间或半私人浴室不符合无障碍标准. **This includes all roommate concerns and disputes. 任何室友问题请联系bet365亚洲官网住房和居住生活:(229)333-5920.**

访问办公室将在收到所有必要文件(包括申请表)后的十(10)个工作日内审核请求 Request for Housing/餐厅 Accommodation form completed by the student and medical documentation that meets criteria). Once a decision has been made, 访问办公室将通过bet365亚洲官网的电子邮件地址通知学生住宿请求是否得到了尊重,或者是否确定所提供的文件不足以支持该请求. 如果所要求的住宿被认为是合理的,并有文件支持, 一旦做出决定,访问办公室也将通过bet365亚洲官网/SGSC的电子邮件通知住房和居住生活.


  • 医疗状况证明并不一定表明学生有资格成为需要住宿的残疾学生.
  • 要求单人/私人房间以确保“安静的学习场所”或为学生提供“独处/休息时间”的要求可能不会被批准,因为宿舍和校园内有许多资源可以提供合适的条件,学生不应该认为室友的时间表不允许这种需求.
  • Due to limited space in residence halls, requests for single/private rooms due to "limited space" may not be approved.
  • 访问办公室无法推荐具体的宿舍,房间或室友.
  • 延迟和/或在住房分配释放后提出的住宿请求将不太可能得到尊重. 不要以为提前提交房间偏好就能保证所要求的房间/洗手间类型会被分配.
  • 不要假设存在残疾/健康状况将支持解除合同的请求. In most cases, options for housing accommodations (e.g., change of room, change of hall, etc.)需要在访问办公室支持发布合同之前进行探索. It is recommended that, despite the existence of a disability, 学生在制定任何替代住房计划之前,完成住房和居住生活概述的过程.
  • 要求放弃膳食计划需要与食堂厨师进行会议/讨论,以确定是否能够满足饮食需求. 如果食堂无法提供适当的营养膳食以满足学生的特定医疗需求(根据所提供的文件), then requests for modification or waiver to a meal plan will then be considered.

Please fill out the fields below, 只有当你是一个残疾学生要求住宿/餐饮住宿. Review will begin once the form is submitted and supporting documentation that meets criteria is received in the Access Office.

  • No

  • File attachment size limit is 2 MB.
  • NOTE: Larger files or multiple files may not attach properly. Please email a copy of documentation to
  • No
  • Security Captcha: *
  • Access Office
    • University Center, Entrance 5, Suite 4136
      1205 N. 帕特森圣.
      Valdosta, Georgia 31698
    • Mailing Address
      1500 N. 帕特森圣.
      Valdosta, GA 31698
    • 电话:229.245.2498
    • 视频电话
    • Hours of Operation
      Monday-Thursday: 8am-5:30pm
      Friday: 8am-3pm