Steps for Declaring WGSS Minor 

步骤1:  Complete the Declaration of Minor FormThe Coordinator for 女性的, Gender, & Sexuality Studies will sign form 和 forward to 注册商's office; an advising file will be opened for you 和 kept in Ashley Hall. 

步骤2:  Contact the Coordinator of 女性的, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Dr. A.J. 拉米雷斯 to disucss your class options 和 course advising. Dr. 拉米雷斯 is located in Ashley Hall Upstairs in Rooms 2206 or 2002 (女性的, Gender, & Sexuality Studies 办公室) 

步骤3:  Contact COHSS Advising Center at or 229-253-4059 to schedule your advising appointment or contact the Coordinator for 女性的, Gender, & Sexuality Studies: Dr. A.J. 拉米雷斯在


Requirements for Minor

女性的, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Course Descriptions

The minor consists of a total of 15个小时 that includes one required course (wgs 3000 or WGSS 3200) 和 四个 electives in WGSS. Courses taken to satisfy core areas A through F cannot be counted as coursework in the minor. A grade of "C" or better must be earned in each course comprising the minor, 和 all prerequisites for specific upper division courses must be met. 

Areas of Study:

  • 同性恋的研究
  • Queer Studies
  • Reproductive Rights
  • 女性 & 宗教
  • Gender Studies
  • 女性 & 文学
  • Social Justice
  • Feminist Theory

Beginning Spring 2023, the following coursework is required for a minor in WGSS:

Required Courses:

One of the following is required for the minor.

wgs 3000 Introduction to 女性 Studies
WGSS 3200                           Introduction to Gender & Sexuality Studies


Elective Courses:

任何 4 upper division courses with a WGSS prefix.

wgs 3000/4000 任何 四个 upper division coures with WGSS prefix.


研究生 Students:

If you are a 研究生 student in any of our graduate programs at bet365亚洲官网 you are welcome to take a WGSS Special Topics course to satisfy your resreach or concentration areas.

WGSS 6600 Special Topics in 女性的, Gender, & Sexuality Studies (3):

This course explores specific topics or themes in gender/women’s studies based on a feminist approach. A variety of topics from different fields of study are offered from an interdisciplinary perspective. Topics of material not normally covered in the regular curriculum are offered. May be repeated.